Monday, July 20, 2009

Miniature Geishas

With my love of all things paper, I suppose it was rather inevitable that my little addiction would only progress. First it was scrapbooking, then card-making, then origami and now I've moved onto even bigger projects.

Well, I guess they're smaller projects really.

I started making miniature geisha washi dolls, and I'm hooked!

It all started with a simple little tutorial I purchased about paper dolls, and I was hooked with the first one I made. granted, she was simple and basic, but I soon found i could change up the design and achieve different looks and poses. I could use whatever color paper I wished, add whatever hair-style and accessories i wanted and I even began branching out into adding scenery to my dolls! There were just so many options and avenues to try, it was the perfect craft!

I already have a list a mile long of things I want to try, and I can't wait to try them and post about my successes and the occasional failures. (What is art without a few boo-boos along the way? :D )

I'm very excited to begin sharing my craft and I hope to foster greater interest in the art or paper dolling. ^_^


  1. A lovely story and start to your blog!

  2. So cute and very informative!

  3. The geisha in your title is gorgeous. Nice work!

  4. Nice start! Good luck with the blog ~~

  5. Your blog is looking great! I love the geisha!

  6. BTW, your shop link doesn't work. I think you have a typo: "esty"

  7. Epp! Thanks for letting me know about the link, lol!

    Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments! <3

  8. Beautiful doll! Wonderfully different craft!
