I know you're likely thinking how pretty I am, or what a nice addition I'd make to your bedside table, but it wasn't always that way. It wasn't that long ago that no one thought I was very pretty.
It all started at the bottom of a rummage bin. It was pretty dark and dingy, but at least I had some company in there. Still, what I really wanted was to be taken home and displayed, the way a frame ought to be. But I was dinged and dirty and had on a coat of the most unflattering dishwater-colored paint. Who'd want me?
And then, she came.
Yep, the owner of this very blog came into that rummage store and plucked me right out of that bin and took me home. Well, I was so happy just to be out of that bin, but when we arrived, it got even better.
She put me on her craft table (I was a bit nervous) and she sanded out my dings and gave me a fresh coat of bright white paint! She even hand-painted my almost worn off floral scrolls!
I'd been rescued, and now I'm ready to be displayed again!
^_^ I just adore this little frame! Upcycling is so much fun and really makes you feel good about giving a piece new purpose! Going to rummage sales or Goodwill/Salvation Army and finding little diamonds in the rough is like going on a treasure hunt, and I can't wait to go back for more. Try it, you'll be hooked!
Here's some other great upcycling from the Etsy-verse!

Happy crafting!
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